
The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem

Sarah Kinsman Hi, I’m SarahFae, and I Have Overpacked This is the year that I know I will pack Only the things that I need. I’ll only bring a couple of skirts, And maybe some tank tops and tees… I’ll put the outfits together, And label them for...

Inconstant Moon

by Emily Cavin   I saw your face last night Or should I say, this morning? For it was several hours after midnight, The mile marker pushing Yesterday behind today.   I caught sight of you sailing low in the trees, Now in full leaf to announce the imminent...


by Daniel Singer   10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2… Wonder what I was thinking, as we locked eyes and circle-danced, too drunk on sweat and fire to notice when three in the morning came? For the mystery of it, what I wondered was this: what if I’ve locked eyes and been...

The Pledge of Allegiance

by Steve Trombulak Modified from a poem by Gary Snyder (But I like my version better.)   I pledge allegiance to the soil Of Turtle Island And to the life which upon it stands. One planet, under the Sun, Indivisible, With fertility and diversity for...

Circling On — or Some Truths Revealed at the Fire Circle

by Emily Cavin   Some years ago I had a magical night At the Fire Circle And was able to share that magic With everyone there The next day people thanked me Appreciated my offerings And I guess, frustrated performer that I sometimes am, I became confused Unable...

Meet Me Here

by Daniel B. Singer Meet me here where smoke and light and heat and night where trembling hands and hearts just might Meet me here beneath the sky, between the trees upon the dirt, upon our knees— Surrender here where truth is told Surrender here your fear: be bold...

No Idea

I had no idea so I went to the bones, the skulls, and the dirt; seeking counsel from those who had gone before me – silence – Perhaps, like the simple child, I did not even know how to ask the question — I spoke my heart confused and stumbling and...

We Are The Temple

We arrive knowing and not knowing … whether we are the seeker or the oracle … the priest or the parishioner because the answer is “yes” And we are also the Temple. Our Service a sacred and spontaneous temporary confluence – of fire and breath and water and pulse...

Fuckin’ Poetry

by Amanda Giles   Fuckin’ Poetry   I’ve been wanting to write me some I’ve seen those cool cats on the TV and thought – why can’t that be me? I can walk and chew gum I can pat my head and rub my tum I ain’t dumb, but usually the...