
There are many different ways to engage with SpiritFire. This year will feature different affinities and daytime ritual or connection opportunities, and will be listed in your program when you arrive on site (and in the information board area.) Some of the traditional affinities have been as follows – we will update affinities, who is leading them, and other opportunities as we can.


HomeComers is a tradition where those coming for the first time can enter into thoughtful guided discussion with returning attendees regarding what SpiritFire is all about. This year we are excited to be welcoming so many for your first SpiritFire! Wednesday after our first dinner, please come and join Steve Trombulak to chat about SpiritFire (our intentions, how our circle and rituals function, and anything else you’d like to ask or explore) in an informal space. It’s a great way to meet others and get a sense of place on your first night.

Morning Affirmation

Come join us in the Merchant’s Circle each morning right before brunch for a brief guided call-and-response affirmation of our prayers for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our connections to the Web of Life.  Based on “Morning Prayer” from The Way of Gaia, let us move together into each day with intention to be our higher selves.


Photo by Martin Bridge

The Spiders will be weaving visual elements into our community ritual throughout the event. We will meet to explore the role of visual symbols in magic and rituals of our tribe while building a collaborative relationship with one another. Each evening the Spiders will gather to execute a rangoli within the fire-mandala to prepare the space for the evening ritual. While experience in the arts is valued it is by no means necessary! Those who are interested in this group should contact Martin beforehand so we can communicate about possible materials to bring and share.

Yoga Affinity

Back a bit stiff from camping? Legs a little achy from dancing? The Yoga Affinity shares time to practice and integrate the fires, workshops, and other gathering experiences more deeply into the body. All welcome, any level of experience is perfect, from brand-new to dedicated Yogi! Bring a mat if you have one (there will be limited ones to borrow, too.)


Chant is one of the ways that we express ourselves around fire. We blend our voices in joyful noise. The Chantfinity group will be meeting everyday to strengthen our collective chant libraries. We will sing old chants and learn new ones. All are welcome!

Gate Affinity

Creating a strong and safe container for ritual is a very important aspect of our time on the mountain. The gateway is an integral part of this container; it is the place of transition, where we center, shake off the mundane, and intentionally step into the sacred. If you have an interest in helping facilitating this transition for our tribe or are just interested in knowing what it means to do so, than please join us at the gate affinity group.

Fire Circle Prep

A fire circle is much more than ritual and music – it takes a lot of hard physical work to prepare the circle, torches, and benches, and to tend the fire. If you have a desire to be a part of the care and maintenance of the fire circle, please check in with Yuri Tutka on site (or beforehand — see the staff page for contact information) and be sure to attend the fire circle affinity group. Announcements about when/where it meets will happen at opening circle on the first day.

Fire Spinning

Depending on the will of those who spin, there is sometimes intentional space in which spinners can and express their arts within the beautiful common/vending area. Set to live drumming (yes, you can participate in the drumming!), all are welcome to enjoy.

Please note: Those wanting to participate at the evening fire-spinning jams need to coordinate ahead of time with the fire spinning safety lead to make sure all safety agreements are in place. A special waiver for fire spinners is required.

Art Journaling with Fire!

Ever have some delicious moments at festival and get excited to bring them home, only to have them disappear from memory? Too often, we lose an epiphany, a poem, a chant, a juicy conversation, or even a prayer in the mix of experiencing the festival as a whole. Not this time! Come join us on an art journaling journey where we will play with some techniques to capture our ephemeral inspirations from SFF through art! This is a fun & gentle way for folks to connect, and make some beautiful, colorful, sacred pieces— you can FLOW, even if you feel like you are “not really an artist!”

Soul Expressions Poetry Circle

To create an opportunity for longer spoken-word offerings than can easily be accommodated at the fire itself, we host the Soul Expressions poetry circle one evening before the fire lighting ritual.  Bring and share spoken pieces that move your soul, express your vision, guide your journey, or just plain make you feel good — or simply listen to what is being offered.  Original writings are encouraged but not required.  While everyone at SpiritFire respects all types of offerings, out of courtesy to the large number of people who have poetry and prose that they want to share at Soul Expressions, long stories and songs are not appropriate for this circle.