
Photo by Cameron Mazzeo

Below are links to various articles that might enhance your experience at the gathering, as well as tools to help you deepen your relationships with the pathways.

Packing List: Some suggestions for what you might want to have with you at SpiritFire — a very helpful resource for new and old-timers alike!

The Path of Music at SpiritFire: A direct link to a blog discussion centering on music at SpiritFire.  Recommended reading for anyone who has questions about various kinds of instruments, etc. that are appropriate for the gathering or about our playing aesthetics.  This discussion supplements what is also described by the Music at SpiritFire page.

Water Service: Praxis and Doxos: The philosophy and how-to of offering water in the circle.

The Portal Banners: The portal to the fire circle at SpiritFire is marked by two banners, which together display many of the philosophies that come together in the circle and represent the journeys we are all on in life.