by fireUrchin


the hawk flew past
just as we sat to form a sister sharing of Intention for the journey

we do this periodic meeting, sharing, parting
it is our herstory – our sistory
delving deeper in small spaces than possible
talks about india, elephants, butterflies and dancing
about Yolngu, comets across a Southern Cross sky
sitting on the edge of the earth to cry the world awake
to mourn the young Yolngu men who have taken their lives that year

and we always wander in and out of the weave of our Spirit and our love
and the push and pull of the love of men
and the call to create
the calls to nest
the cries to fly in all our powers

and the hawk flies past right in front of us
where he never passes

we know it is a sign
I have pulled the hawk card twice in the past week

no map
no crystal ball
no magic answer

but yes – magic messenger
Opening me for my next piece of journey ahead
reminder to deeply connect and trust in this animal world
which is always sending me her emissaries
to release from gravity’s pull
borrow Hawk’s perspective

Sister friend and I part once more

I drive to the mountain
of the Abode of the Message

© 2012 by Bonnie Lambourn