by Steve Trombulak She says, “I don’t care what you do for a living.” But I do, and I want to know why you do it. Does it feed your soul? Will it feed the world? Will it lead you to your heart’s longing? Or is it merely a safe path A safe haven Chosen...
by Steve Trombulak Modified from a poem by Gary Snyder (But I like my version better.) I pledge allegiance to the soil Of Turtle Island And to the life which upon it stands. One planet, under the Sun, Indivisible, With fertility and diversity for...
By Steve Trombulak I was walkin’ down the road at this festival one night, with thoughts of birds and the bees under the stars and the trees. I had some mead to feed my need ‘cause it’s my creed to slow my speed, and it’s a fact I do concede that I was feelin’...